Death by Pad Thai
Congratulations to Doris Lessing, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Literature.Death by Pad Thai and Other Unforgettable Meals (2006), a compilation of essays on memorable meals edited by Douglas Bauer, was a fun light read. There are twenty stories that are brought together by the common themes of food, and great life moments. The stories are not really about the food as much as they are about the life happenings that mixed with the memories of foods or meals.
In one of the essays, Michelle Huneven’s The Handsome Tutor at Lunch, where the parents meet their daughter’s serious boyfriend for the first time, food is central, but at the same time it is the character’s reactions to the food that takes center stage. The parents make a judgment call (not positive) on the boyfriend (later husband) by his ordering methods, quantity judgments, and gregarious consumption habits. This book is not about the quality of the finely sliced vegetables in a beautiful spring roll, and it is refreshing to escape that book model, fine as it may be.
This book is really about important moments in people’s lives and how food connects to those memories. It is funny, sad, warming, and weird.
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